From Monday 15th to Friday 19th of May, training sessions of OPP-ERA project’s Medical Officers, Procurement Experts and Logisticians in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Guinea took place at Solthis headquarters. Organized by Solthis, leader of the consortium for the implementation of OPP-ERA, the training was organized in two sessions.
The training for Supply and Logistics Experts focused on reagents supply chain and viral load testing supplies in OPP-ERA laboratories. The training allowed also to discuss the implementation of OPP-ERA’s phase 2 management procedures and to share tools and experiences.
The second session aimed at training medical on HIV care capacity-building and mainly on HIV virological monitoring, virological failures management, HIV / TB and HIV-hepatitis B co-infection cases. Many practical cases were reviewed and participants shared their own experiences in supporting prescribing doctors in their respective countries.
A visit to the virological laboratory of molecular biology at Necker hospital-Paris allowed the participants to exchange with OPP-ERA Scientific Director, Prof. Christine ROUZIOUX, on OPP( Open Polyvalent Platforms)’ technical specificities. The training ended this Friday with meetings between participants and their respective organizations: Expertise France for Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire, Sidaction for Burundi and Solthis for Guinea.
This training is the second organized in Paris by OPP-ERA coordiantion teal since the lauch of the project phase 2. In December 2016, the first training brought together OPP-ERA project coordinators in the 4 countries of intervention.
OPP-ERA Project
Funded by UNITAID, OPP-ERA is co-funded and implemented by a consortium of French partners: Solthis (Solidarité Therapeutique et Initiatives pour la Santé),leader and responsible for the project implementation in Guinea; ANRS (France Research North & South AIDS-HIV Hepatitis), responsible for scientific direction and valorization of the project results; Expertise France responsible for project implementation in Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon; and Sidaction in charge of the project implementation in Burundi.
More information about OPP-ERA
More information about UNAIDS fight against HIV/AIDS
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50 HIV health-care workers in Conakry trained on the usefulness and interpretation of viral load tests’ results

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Burundi : the project OPP-ERA receives the visit of the French Embassy Global health Regional Advisor